Monday, June 9, 2008

The lazy, hazy, CRAZY days of summer

O, I lob you, nina
Addi, tring to ask me for my chair
Rheago enjoying the sprinkler

The beach

Yea for me I made it through another school year. A part of me will really miss those kids, but another part of me is so excited about summer. Sam and I went to the beach, it was a blast, I do not get in the ocean though, too many creatures that I can not see coming to close to me and I do not like that one bit. So I sit in my chair and read a book soaking up the sun, at the same time keeping a ever watchful eye on my husband so that he doesn't drown.

Well, Sam burnt to a crisp. I got a good tan. We camped at the state park, and it was not bad at all. When Sam first mentioned camping I was like okay wilderness its either you or me, but I actual enjoyed it. When we got back I started watching Landon, Rheagan, and Addi for the summer, and it has been going so well. Addi is such a ham and says no to me for everything.

We went to the lake one day and the kids loved it. Addi is just like me, she did not like those fish swimming anywhere near her, so we made a sandcastle. Landon is doing great in Baseball. Rheago has drawn me a million great pictures. And Addi is my little helper following m e around the house saying ''me do it''

Well, that's all for now, as always remember Ryan as he is in Iraq.

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