Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saying Goodbye To Ryan

Thursday I said goodbye to Ryan, my brother who is being deployed to Iraq. It was hard we all cried and then cried some more. I was at my sisters house with all the family. As tough as it was for me I can't imagine what his wife Jillian is feeling. Or what our parents are feeling. Just thinking about him makes my eyes water with tears. The holidays wont be quite the same without Ryan. This next family gathering we wont race upstairs for the TV remote. Who will make fun of me, no one can do it like he does, and yes, sometimes I hate the teasing, but somehow I know a part of me will miss it. When I walk through my parents door he wont be there to holler my name and give me a hug. No more C - clamp or wrestle mania. Its these little things that I will miss the most. I want him to just be home safe and sound. Yet I know that God has a purpose and plan for Ryan. Just as he does for all of us. I am hoping this year that I will grow closer to God and closer to my family as we pray for the safe return of Ryan. We love you!!!!!


Yankee Girl said...'s been forever! I hope al is well. Amber

The DeGarmos said...

Jsut want you to know that it doesnt last forever and actually it really goes by faster than you realize. You can make it. Please tell Jillian that the best way to handle it is not to really think about it and do not watch the news. They can chat everyday using gmail if he is allowed to download it. anyway talk to you later.

The Bryants said...

I can't imagine how hard it is to have a loved one going to Iraq. We're praying for Ryan and family!! Love you!

Joy said...

Hi! Glad to find your blog! Congratulations on getting married? How 'recent' is it? :) I look forward to keeping up with you.