Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

This year as my husband and I celebrate Christmas, it is a little bittersweet for the both of us. Sam is missing his dad, and I am preparing for my brother to leave for Iraq. Today will be the last holiday I will get to spend with him. As I think about what Ryan means to me, my mind travels back to when we were just kids. Ryan and I were good friends before our parents were married. As we grew older we were still friends. I love him and imagining him over there scares me to death. Yet there is peace, because I know that nothing can happen to him without God controlling it. I remember times when he was the only person I could talk to. He has been such a great brother to me, and even as we have grown up, married and gotten involved in our own lives, I will never forget those times in my youth that we spent together. I hope you all have a merry Christmas

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