Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy first anniversary to me. O and Sam tooo!!!!!

Sam and I celebrated our first Anniversary on the 17th. It seemed to fly by. Sam and I both feel like we have been married forever and that it is hard to remember a time when we were not together. We are doing well and are excited for this next years adventure.


Leslie said...

Congrats my friend, may the Lord give you many more and lots of laughter-isn't wonderful to married to your best friend!love yah!

Christa said...

i don't use my other web page any more. so, you can contact me @ or my e-mail have a great day

The Bryants said...

Congratulations Kristina and Sam! I need to add your link to my blog!! I have so much to do and it seems such little time to do it all in! I finally updated my blog...WOOHOO!

The Waye's said...

Hey Girl,
How are you! it has been too long since I have talked to you. I am great. I have two babies now. Lawson is 2 and Linden is 1. Congratulations on getting married. We need to get in touch soon.

Sherry waye